Miriam Slozberg

Instagram is now become the father of all photo and video sharing App.
Have you ever thought ‘how a simple looking photo-sharing app has become one of the best social media platform in less than 7 years’?

With 600 million monthly and around 400 million daily active users, it makes a business machine than Tumblr, Snapchat and Pinterest. Quite impressive. People love Instagram especially young generations and teens, and it’s one of the most popular app to share photos and short videos.

Are you wondering how to generate new leads using images and short video to enhance your business growth?
Before going to read more about on how to generate leads from Instagram you have to create a brand profile on Instagram.

Getting started with Instagram is very easy.

Simply signup for an account → add a photo → and a link to your website → connect your Instagram account with Facebook → convert it into business profile → add call to action button.

Instagram is not just for images of booty, beauty, and selfies and your dogs. It is awesome tool for businesses to generate new leads and target existing customers. Do not fear, in this 5-minute article I am going to share all of the best tips with you that some of the Instagram’s most popular accounts are using right now.

Instagram and Lead Generation

Lead generation in layman words is all about generating interest from target customers in to your brand, product and services. In today’s market customers are looking to your businesses to solve the problem or buying a product. Sharing and writing of valuable blog are not enough because your customer want to see what you are offering about.

This is where the father of all social media platform comes into play. With Instagram, you can share visual element of your business in real time. It gives your potential customers a sense that they are at right place.
New Lead Generation Tips for your Businesses through Instagram:

Share Staff Photos – sharing staff photos and company work culture and friendly environment of work station gives followers the inside knowledge about your business. You can show off your staff talent to enhance your brand. It sends a message in front of new followers that how much you care about your employees.

Market your Brand using Hash Tags Trends – Hash tags play a major role to reach your potential customers. Instashame’s use many number of trending hashtags to cover the bigger part of the visual community. You can use hashtags like #fridaysales, #selfisunday, #whois brand name. Find a trending hashtags that relevant to your industry and business and participate with your product image.

eXpose Something new – use Instagram to share your event and broadcast and give a first look at a product or new feature. Always show off your company events in front of new followers.

Show off your products – you can use Instagram for showing off your actual products and services after all you are using Instagram to get potential customers become paying customers.

Tell real clients Stories – share real stories with your followers when real people are speaking for you, you have a better chance of getting new audience and leads. Because mouth publicity is one of the best marketing tool. You can use your Instagram account to tell real stories of existing customers and how your product or service made a difference in their lives.

There are plenty of ways you can use Instagram to attract new leads; these are just five of them. You can run a sponsored campaign to attract more customers and get lead from new and existing followers. If you have any tips that you want to add and share with readers feel free to comment and share the article with others.

Wishing Entrepreneurial Successes!

About Author:

Ashish Sharma is a Key Account Manager, looking after Marketing Strategies and building new business tie ups at WeDigTech – A hub of Skilled Mobile App Developers in India. Focused on helping enterprises StartUps from domestic to MNCs.

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