You’ve probably had someone tell you before that you need to “keep your head on straight.”

You were frustrated, frazzled, or about ready to go into an arena where winning meant a lot to you.

Keeping your head on straight? It conjures an uncanny image when you think about it.

More importantly it communicates the importance of staying focused, positive, and hopeful.

The greatest power you have is your desire.

Your ability to work hard right now even though it’s tough because you believe in your soul that what you’re doing is eventually going to pay off. Staying positive.

When you stop being positive, the bottom begins to fall out. (That’s the order in which it happens too.)

Your mindset determines your momentum.

If you’re expecting everything to go wrong no matter what you do, you’ll never work hard enough to do the things that would stop everything from going wrong.

Keeping your mindset positive, focused, and hopeful doesn’t happen easily.

And it’s not a one time thing you do. It’s an all-the-time thing.

The most dangerous impact to your mindset is always another person. Another negative person.

You already have enough negativity for your life. Why pile on someone else’s baggage on top of your own?

The hard truth is that there is a negative person in your life right now who is crippling your ability to be amazing.

Chances are that there are several of them in your life right now. They leach. And moan. Whine, complain, and tear apart your dreams with unfair cynicism.

You leave feeling broken and miserable.

You’re less sure of your direction and more sure of your impending doom.

Avoid those people at all costs. Don’t be around them. Don’t talk to them. Get up and leave if you start to interact with them.

That might sound radical or unnecessary — even immature or hasty. That depends upon how much you care about your dreams.

If you don’t care enough about winning it won’t seem all that important to stop hanging around negative people.

All you have is what you do with your life.

The odds are already stacked against you.

Surround yourself with people who help you fly higher. People who inspire more hope and encourage more focus.

Do whatever it takes. It always takes avoiding negative people.

The post It Always Takes Avoiding Negative People. appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

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Other than that, all rights are reserved to you to change your life. If you are ready to be amazing, now is the time to get started. Onward…

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