klout 300x63 Klout is About to be Sold to Lithium Technologies


Big news for Klout once again. Lithium Technologies, a customer service company is about to acquire Klout for at least $100 million as Re/code had originally stated. Even though the deal has not been technically made, papers have bee signed and things are definitely on their way.

For those who are not aware of Lithium Technologies, they are a company that create tools for brands in order to provide customer service on social networks- and this may be a very good thing for Klout. This definitely has the potential to work very well, especially since brands need to know how influential people sharing their products via their social networks are.

There is not much more to say about it at this time, however it is quite evident that Klout is evolving quickly. Klout is focusing less on the score, and more on content that makes users influential- finally! More information on that here!


  • Miriam Slozberg

    I am here to help entrepreneurs stand out in their fields. My team and I offer top of the line SEO and social media services, as well as individual consultation services. However, my objective for you is for you to be the influential one in your field. For every package and service that I offer other than the consultation services, you will receive a free half hour consultation with me. I will help you narrow down how you can stand out, and go over the type of content that will be helping you build your tribe and gain incredible reception from new followers- which will bring you more exposure and more business!

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