Miriam Slozberg

Firstly, I cannot believe I have not blogged here since June. I left this blog for two whole months without touching it at all. I suppose while I was working on my two other blogs during the summer, Expressive Mom and Conscious Death Celebrations I neglected this one. That was really a big mistake, considering I had written previous posts about why it is important to keep your blog updated once a week.

However, I really did have a severe case of writer’s block which I wasn’t able to break and just left things. I thought my trip to Vegas that I had taken towards the end of July would have cleared by head but, nope! I’m working on fixing that now. Maybe I can say that is one of the positive things that come out of Mercury in retrograde, even though it’s a time when it is a major pain in the ass when it happens.

I’m not going to go into the whole astrological explanation about what Mercury in retrograde. All I will say is that Mercury rules anything to do with communication and technology counts as well. When it’s in retrograde the energies are weaker and things get wonky. It’s common for power outages to happen, electronics and vehicles to break, plans blowing up into smoke, misunderstandings, etc. That all becomes infuriating. However, this is at time when we are all given the opportunity to re-examine and re-evaluate things in our lives. That being said, I have to say it’s a perfect time to do a clean up. No wonder I was so urged to finally clean my car.

Anyway, during the summer I was confused. I didn’t know if I wanted to stick with social media management, and explored other fields I may have been interested in. The financial field at first interested me. However, after doing further exploration, I didn’t feel it was the right fit. I tossed the idea.

Right now I am feeling that I should stick with doing what I was doing all along, which is social media management. I am also going back into doing astrology readings part time because I’ve been steering more towards that as well lately (NOT psychic readings, read my previous post about that). I do have a certification from 10 years ago, so I feel this is the time to make good use of it. I’ve been freshening up on it. I will also be writing from a different angle on my Mom blog. Is it all completely clear to me? No but this is what is coming up after doing a lot of re-evaluation and re-examination. Nothing will be clear until Mercury goes back into direct position, which will be on September 22 (the retrograde has been happening since August 30). The kinks from the retrograde will be completely out by October 6. Therefore, anytime after that is a great time to make big decisions and to launch new ideas (and websites!).

As far as what I will use this blog for, it’s coming to me! It may just be opinions about things that do matter! I’ll be back here very soon!


  • Miriam Slozberg

    I am here to help entrepreneurs stand out in their fields. My team and I offer top of the line SEO and social media services, as well as individual consultation services. However, my objective for you is for you to be the influential one in your field. For every package and service that I offer other than the consultation services, you will receive a free half hour consultation with me. I will help you narrow down how you can stand out, and go over the type of content that will be helping you build your tribe and gain incredible reception from new followers- which will bring you more exposure and more business!

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