image1400952471 My Writing Process Blog Tour

I have written a few books and a few ebooks, and had co-written two as well. I am an avid blogger so I absolutely love to write. When I was asked to participate in My Writing Process Blog Tour, I was honored and very happy to do so. I want to thank my friend Carmen Perez for passing the torch over to me, and you can find her post right here. So here it goes.

The following are the 4 interview questions for the blog tour and my answers.

1. What am I working on? I am working on many different things. However what I have not said much about to anyone is that I am writing a book Going from Invisible to Influential- Learn How to Stand Out in Your Niche, and Become the “Go To” Person By Harnessing the Power of Social Media. I am aiming it for to be out by the fall of 2015. I have written two spiritual based books a few years ago and I am very familiar with the writing, editing and marketing process. This book will be very self explanatory and have written up the majority of content, and working on finding some case studies of those who had become the “go to” people in their niche by harnessing the power of social media.

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre? There are many social media consultants and coaches who teach entrepreneurs how to maintain a good strong social media presence. What I do is that my work involves teaching entrepreneurs how to stand out in their niche, be influential and become the “go to” people by using social media in addition to maintaining a good strong online presence.

3. Why do I write what I do? Old ways of marketing (TV, radio, print) are not enough to get your presence out there anymore. There are so many brilliant business owners that are not using social media to their best advantage and as a result lose out. I have taught many entrepreneurs how to grow their influence drastically by using the tools available to them online and they are thankful. Just after the New Year, I received an unexpected Tweet from the COO of AGBeat, one of the best online journals for entrepreneurs announcing that I was awarded as one of the top 50 industry influencers for 2014. I am very happy to have helped a lot of people.

4. How does my writing process work? My writing starts with reading, researching and learning from those who are more experienced in social media consulting and coaching than I am. I also read about the challenges that a lot of business owners face as well. And from there on, I am able to come up with helpful solutions. What I have done recently as well is that back in March I had started my podcast Getting Social with Miriam, and have interviewed many influential business owners of various niches so I can also learn about their business. After the podcast I do a brief write up of it and put the embedded episode in the post.

So this is my process, and now I pass the torch to:

1. Kathy Hadley, known as the “life coach to life coaches” around the world, believes her mission is to help people live the life they truly want. With her long 25 year reputation and experience with a worldwide networking group, she is a top advisor and expert to help life coaches and clients achieve maximum peak potential.

“What I stress the most is that we are all people with the same potential to tap into our unlimited possibility within” says Hadley. “My goal is to de-mystify the Law of Attraction and give people real, tangible results.”

Her approach is direct, straightforward and to-the-point. Her matter of fact approach is what draws men and women all over the world to her website, products and classes online.

2. Knikkolette Church, Knikkolette first began using social media to market her art back in 2007. She successfully sold her paintings and gained international exposure just by sharing tweets of paintings in progress. She then started sharing with her friends she was also an interior decorator and her business continued to grow. Her friends (and even people she didn’t know) began asking her how to do things on social platforms so Knikkolette started her blog and her Facebook fan page. It was this social media experience that allowed her to easily transition as a social media consultant and owner of Your Social Media Mogul specializing Digital Marketing Strategies. Knikkolette offers personal and group training on social media best practices, reviews existing social media practices and gives recommendations.

3. Last and definitely not least, Ivana Zuber is a creative software developer and a passionate blogger dedicated to sharing her knowledge with the community. She writes about social media marketing, programming, management, and career development. As a constant learner, Ivana uses her blog to explore new technologies, tools and best practices, to gain new knowledge, and then share that knowledge with her readers. Besides learning and writing, Ivana enjoys developing innovative software business solutions and analyzing various social media strategies.


  • Miriam Slozberg

    I am here to help entrepreneurs stand out in their fields. My team and I offer top of the line SEO and social media services, as well as individual consultation services. However, my objective for you is for you to be the influential one in your field. For every package and service that I offer other than the consultation services, you will receive a free half hour consultation with me. I will help you narrow down how you can stand out, and go over the type of content that will be helping you build your tribe and gain incredible reception from new followers- which will bring you more exposure and more business!

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