It takes a different brand of crazy to achieve outrageous results.

It’s not logical to obsess about details that are probably already good enough.

It’s not normal to try to improve what might even be considered great.

That’s the difference between people who achieve extraordinary things and everyone else.

It’s not good enough.

Real champions are always looking to improve.

It’s an obsession. A mental state. They’re in. All that. Always on.

And dead set on doing it better next time than they did this time.

If you’re not doing that, you’re on the path to ongoing frustration and mediocrity.

Ask yourself:

  • What are you thinking about?
  • What are you continuing to work on?

Is it good enough?

Go back a few days to the last few important things you’ve checked off your list and challenge yourself to do them better next time around.

Take your best skills and figure out a way to make them even better.

Find the best person doing what you want to do and ask him for help.

The truth is that if you’re not all in, you’re not really in at all.

The post Not Good Enough. appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

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Other than that, all rights are reserved to you to change your life. If you are ready to be amazing, now is the time to get started. Onward…

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