Scott Schmaren

Scott Schmaren

Scott Schmaren

I grew up in a working class suburb of Chicago in the 1960’s. I was always the “Fat Kid”. I was called names like; “Fatso”, “Fat Boy”,” Lard Ass“ and worse. Over the years, no matter what I did or how much weight I lost (I had lost 100’s pounds), I always gained it back plus a few extra pounds. Why couldn’t I change? Consciously I wanted to, but something deep in my mind always seemed to get in the way. This sparked my journey that has forever changed my life and led me to where I am today.

Through my own journey, Mind Performance Training™ (MPT) was born. MPT allowed me to finally make the changes I needed to make, that I understood and could experience in the way that I needed to. MPT has helped me go from 350 pounds to less than half of that and be in the best physical condition of my life. MPT has been an incredible tool in helping me accomplish my goals, dreams and visions I have for myself. What I am doing now, helping people is one of my visions.

What makes MPT unique is that it allows each individual to experience the information, skills and techniques they need to make changes to their lives, in the exact way they need to experience it. I have used MPT to help people overcome challenges and obstacles in their lives so they can find happiness.

People have used MPT to help themselves accomplish their goals, dreams and visions they have. MPT has helped people overcome fears and manage their stress and anxiety. Athletes and salespeople are using my MPT system called B.A.G.U.B.A.™ to perform at their peak state, “In The Zone”, on a consistent basis.

MPT has helped people manage their chronic pain, permanently lose weight and maintain a healthy weight, permanently. MPT has allowed me to live my lifelong dream of helping people. All my life I was always the one who wanted to help people. It has always been my passion and the feeling I get from helping other people to me is “Electrifying”! It is my driving force in life. MPT has made a positive difference in my life and it can be an incredibly powerful tool in your life.

I have spent almost 20 years of my life developing it (it is still evolving and changing). My passion and my commitment are to help you overcome the obstacles and challenges in your life, find happiness and to accomplish all of your goals, dreams and visions. I thank you for taking the time to read my story.

For more information go to my website at:

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