
Signature Page:


 Building Your Digitial Dominance – The Easy Way 

Is there an easy way ? Yes ! 


Google Ad Words, Google Photos, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Email, Twitter, website design, website maintenance, blogging… are  all necessary to create and sustain a digital presence.  Yet… Who has the time and  the expertise? Maintaining  a website and creating your online presence are time consuming and expensive.  Now, there is an alternative… The Signature Page created by Linked Local Network.

The Signature Page created by Linked Local Network is the easy solution to the small business website challenge.  It is a landing page that features your business and automatically creates your digital presence. Best of all, it is very affordable, Signature Pages start as low as $3o per month billed quarterly and are simple to use.

Preview a Signature page: 

Create your digital dominance without breaking the bank. Get started today sharing your business with the social network world.

Contact Linked Local Network Today! 

Download this information


Social Media Management – Marketing:

INDIVIDUAL SERVICES for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+       


  • Create content and post 3 times per week on Facebook
  • Follow 5 targeted Pages per month
  • 15 minute strategy call per month
  • Daily monitoring of account; reply to any comments daily


  • Create content and tweet 2 times per day, every day
  • Follow 50 new targeted accounts per month
  • 15 minute strategy call per month
  • Daily monitoring of account; reply to any comments daily

 LinkedIn Company Page:

  • Create content and post 3 times per week to LinkedIn Company Page
  • Send 20 new invites to follow the page per month
  • 15 minute strategy call per month
  • Daily monitoring of account; reply to any comments daily


  • Create content and post 3 times per week to Google+ Business Page
  • Send 20 new invites to circle the page per month
  • 15 minute strategy call per month
  • Daily monitoring of account; reply to any comments daily


Pick Facebook and Twitter, or pick Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn, or any combination you want! We’ll manage them for you!!


Add the following services to any of the above services/packages for more posting or more data!

Facebook Ads:  We will set up and monitor 2 ads per month

Note: You must have a Facebook business page connected with a credit card for ads

Articles:  We will write and post 2 articles to your blog (300-400 words) every month     Note: You must have a blog 

Posting Plus:  We’ll increase your posts to 5 days per week on Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+

Twitter Posting Plus:  We’ll increase your tweets to 4 per day on Twitter

Google Analytics:  We will give you a detailed report of your website traffic- total visits, referral traffic, top landing pages

Note: You must have Google Analytics account

Yelp Monitoring:  We will monitor your Yelp activity weekly and report any issues to your company representative

Note: You must have Yelp account

Online Reputation Monitoring:  We will monitor your online presence weekly and report any issues to your company representative

Social Media Courses:

Linked Local Network Social Media

Linked Local Network  Course Outline 

1.Introduction and overview of social media

2. Why Social Media is Important for business

3. Introduction to Facebook

a. Optimizing profile for personal profile and page

b. Facebook groups

4. Introduction to Twitter

a. Optimizing Twitter profile

5. Google Optimization for your Business

a.  Introduction to Google

i. Google Search tools

ii. Local Search

iii. Google Analytics

iv. Google Business Photos

v. Google Authorship

b. Introduction to Google+

i. Optimizing G+ profile, page

ii. Circles

iii. Communities


v. Google+ Business page

vi. Insights

6. Introduction to LinkedIn

a. Optimizing LI profile and company pages

b. Groups

7. Introduction to Instagram

The Importance of Visual Content

SEO importance on Labeling of Photo Files

8. Introduction to Pinterest

The importance of Visual content

How to Use Pinterest Boards to Draw Business for Your Clients

Board Organization

SEO importance on Labeling of Photo Files

9. Introduction to Foursquare

Important for SM and perks etc

10. Content Creation and Sharing

a. What to post and what not to post

b. How often to post

c. Hashtagging

d. Scheduling

e.SEO importance on Labeling of Photo Files

11 Tribe Building Basics

a. How to attract Facebook connections

b. Attracting Twitter followers naturally

c. TopLinked

12. Online Reputation Management

Truth about Gamification and why to never engage in this practice

13. Introduction to Klout

a. setting up account

b. hooking up networks

c. overview of how to scoring is tabulated

d. the importance of the score

e. common criticisms

f. perks

14. Empire

a. setting up the account

b. overview of investing and selling

c. networking and communities

d. missions

SEO Services


Audio Teleconferencing Services

Web Conferencing Services

Video Conferencing Services

Online Meeting Manager


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