Signature Business Plus Page Members

[show-team category=’signature-plus’ url=’active’ layout=’grid’ style=’img-square,img-white-border,text-center,img-above,4-columns,card-theme’ display=’photo,website,position,social,freehtml,location,email,telephone,name’]


What is a Signature Plus Business Page? It is a landing page that identifies your business and automatically creates your digital presence.  And if you are a small business owner or an owner of a franchise, it is probably perfect for you! Click here to see one.


Carly Alyssa Thorne – VP Marketing & Customer Service

Here is an interesting statistic: 58% of all small businesses in the United States don’t have a website.  Why not? That is an incredibly high number! Link Local Network’s research has shown that small business owners find websites too expensive to build and too cumbersome to maintain.  The small business owner doesn’t have the manpower or the resources to have someone else maintain the website, so they opt out. Usually their alternative is to run an ad or just list their location information. Am I describing you?

The Signature Plus Business Page is an easy solution to what has been a major dilemma.  Not only does is give your business location and contact information, it is your opportunity to tell your story. Following your  Signature Plus Business Page launch, you can write columns (blogs) about your business events and attach that information to your Signature Page. It is as easy as me writing this weekly column. If you don’t have time, Linked Local Network will do it for you.

How does it create your digital presence? Your  Signature Plus Business Page benefits from Linked Local Network’s local and global optimization, raising you in Google search results, building your digital dominance. Basically, you benefit from all the traffic created by Linked Local Network.

Create your digital dominance without breaking the bank. Get started today sharing your business with the social network world.

 Building Your Digitial Dominance – The Easy Way 

Is there an easy way ? Yes ! 


Google Photos, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Email, Twitter, website design, website maintenance, blogging, Telemarketing, Audio- Visual Conferencing, Business Coaching, SEO,  marketing, Social Media marketing, +++ are  all necessary to create and sustain a digital presence.  Yet… Who has the time and  the expertise? Maintaining  a website and creating your online presence are time consuming and expensive.  Now, there is an alternative… The Signature Business Plus Page created by Linked Local Network.

The Signature Page created by Linked Local Network is the easy solution to the small business website challenge.  It is a landing page that features your business and automatically creates your digital presence. Best of all, it is very affordable, Signature Pages start as low as $495 per month billed monthly and are simple to use and give you more digital presence than websites that cost thousands of dollars.

Preview a Signature Business Plus page:

Contact Linked Local Network Today! 

Download this information

To find Out more of a Break down of Services see document enclosed:

Llnked Local Network Services

If you feel like your business isn’t getting the desired results from your current Internet connections, a Linked Local Network representative will be happy to demo The Signature Page for you.

Call us at 847-794-8710.

Linked Local Network links locally and connects globally.

Please feel to email for more information to Carly Alyssa Thorne at:
Linked Local Network

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