The lion doesn’t get bothered when the lamb acts passive aggressive and petty.

The lion doesn’t waste energy holding grudges or hoping the lamb fails.

The lion doesn’t stay up at night trying to figure out the fast, guaranteed way to get ahead of the lamb.

The lion is the king of the jungle.

Fearless. And without pretense.

If he wants something, he goes out to get it — using all the skill and ferocity in his disposal to achieve success.

There is no thought of backing down or playing it safe.

The lion gets what the lion wants. At all costs.

He might die trying.

But that doesn’t stop him from trying.

Pit that lion against a flock of hundreds of sheep and the lion wins every time.

He might be outnumbered. The flock might be louder. The shepherd might have a stick. The lion still wins.

It’s a lesson worth remembering. You have a choice each day to be a lamb and follow the flock or to be a lion and take what you want from life.

There is always a pretty good reason why you should let what others think of you drive you to be less courageous.

Being a lamb is easier.

There’s always a good reason why being passive aggressive, petty, negative, or fearful is the right course of action this time.

If you choose to live your life needing a shepherd to make all your decisions for you, don’t complain when life tears your guts out.

Unlike the animal kingdom, you aren’t born a lamb or lion. You get to choose who you want to become.

What did you decide today?

The post Silencing The Lambs. appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

Copyright by Waldschmidt Partners Intl… Not sure that all that legal stuff really matters. If you want to share this material, do so. Just don’t charge for it and don’t tell people you wrote it. Both of those are uncool.

Other than that, all rights are reserved to you to change your life. If you are ready to be amazing, now is the time to get started. Onward…


  • Dan Waldschmidt

    Dan Waldschmidt is an international business strategist, speaker, author, and extreme athlete. His consulting firm solves complex marketing and business strategy problems for savvy companies all over the world. Dow Jones calls his Edgy Conversations blog one of the top sales sites on the internet. He’s been profiled in Business Week, INC Magazine, BBC, Fox News, The Today Show, and Business Insider, has been the featured guest on dozens of radio programs, and has published hundreds of articles on progressive business strategy. He is author of Edgy Conversations: How Ordinary People Achieve Outrageous Success.

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