We must take back the Northside.  I am feeling tonight like Metro is not taking their policing job seriously at all. Our platforms are not bars for people to drink and smoke. Our train cars and buses are not bars and bedrooms neither are they snack bars. TranStar sees all and knows all and today I should never have had to ask two people to move away with their cigarettes because Metro police should have been there. I should not have been put in that position. I should not have had to deal with three people in an altered state wanting to control the platform, telling me I was old and white so I would be dead if I called the police. I did call the police and had to explain to them three times where I was since the Calvacade stop on the red line is apparently not known to 911. Even pushing the button on the platform there was still a request for my location. Come On. And for some reason Lex Freiden Focus on Abilities is now popping up so hello Focus on Abilities with Lex Frieden Lex and hello Cristofer Speiler. Thanks for responding but you all should have been there. And no I doubt this had anything to do with The Sally who we should be greatful is close to us and we should be thankful for the services helping people who have been incarcerated get back into the community. We have to begin seeing every person as important.  Should we organize an Occupy The Red Line Movement?

Just to be clear.  Metro Police did eventually respond.  Transtar did focus attention on their monitors.  My complaint is that it was only after I was put in danger and others were subjected to behaviors that should never be allowed on our platforms.  The task of watching those monitors or having something watching the platforms is large but we should not shrink from that task.

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