Anger will kill you. Stress and fear and petty retribution will eat your heart out.
Passive aggression and jealousy will destroy everything beautiful in your life.
And yet it’s so very hard to let go.
Especially when you feel wronged. Especially when you feel like you don’t deserve what you’re going through right now.
Instead of healing, you hold on to grudges. You fight for immediate justice instead of long term rewards.
And it makes you poor.
Poor in spirit. Poor in wealth. Poor emotionally, physically, and relationally.
The best way to carry a grudge is as a chip on your shoulder and added motivation for you achieving your goals.
It’s fuel. Not failure.
If what you were doing was small and ordinary then no one would bother you. Life would be easy and problem free.
Opposition and mean people treating you unfairly are a sign that you’re attempting something more than ordinary. You might be on the verge of being extraordinary.
Don’t throw that away.
Look beyond the pain you feel and feel the pain of staying stuck. Feel the anguish of giving up too soon.
It’s not worth it. Carry on. Upward. Onward.
Be awesome.
The post The Best Way To Carry a Grudge. appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.
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