The secret to happy holidays is giving. This was the first year I felt really satisfied after Christmas and it was because I intentionally focused on giving more this year rather than receiving and it was so much fun to see the smiles on the faces of those I was able to give to.

It all started when I began to listen to the hints of my family members and friends starting in August but I started creating the habit when I was invited to attend an event called the JV Top Talent Mastermind Event and is by invitation only. What made this event so different is that it was focused on not just partnering with other entrepreneurs who are making a difference in the world but more on giving and receiving the help of others to make their business successful.

The other event that equipped me to have such a giving spirit for Christmas was the Kindness Summit hosted by Jill Lublin in October and I signed up to be apart of kindness challenges over the next year called Kindness Circles. You can learn more about Kindness Circles at HERE.

People need to experience kindness more than ever after all the challenges we have faced in 2020 and it can be done in very practical ways. It can be as simple as:

  • Allow someone to get in front of you when they change lanes on the freeway.
  • Paying for the drink of the person behind you in the line at Starbucks.
  • Let them know that you care and are there for them if they need help.

So I am challenging everyone who reads this to join me by choosing to do 3 acts of kindness each week. If you need more ideas you can find them in Jill’s book The Profit of Kindness that you can purchase at Buy The profit of Kindness. There is no simpler way to impact the lives of the people you interact with on a daily basis than to make this a daily practice.

There was an outbreak of kindness at a Dairy Queen in Minnesota drive-thru where 900 people paid for the car behind them.

Example of kindness

If you have some of your own suggestions on how to spread kindness please comment and share.



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