apink profile picTamara Leigh ~ Engaging Your Audience to TREND ON You!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/linkedlocalnetwork/2014/07/23/the-willie-spears-experience–twse-on-tamara-leighs-trend-on

Who is Willie Spears? In Willie’s delightful and energetic answer, he said it depends who you ask.  On a good day (& I’m guessing most are actually really great in the Spear’s home), Willie says his wife would say “a loving husband” and his kids would say “a great dad”, and his audiences would say “a life-changing speaker”. TWSE7 on TL Trend On

I’d say all of the above after having the honor of  a first hand encounter with The Willie Spears Experience on our Tamara Leigh’s TREND ON show!   As our Tamara Leigh’s TREND ON guest, Willie Spears, a professional speaker, teacher, coach, author, and motivator joined us for an inspiring and lively discussion about The Willie Spears Experience.   His passion for his message comes through loud and clear! As a licensed minister, Willie Spears has motivated churches, youth groups, prison inmates, schools, teachers, teams, companies, and individuals through his business.

Willie Spears speaks to the importance of  Team Building and TeamWork on and off the field.  As a football player and coach, Willie Spears emphasized the need for the 4Cs to be successful:  Calling, Competent, Character, Chemistry.  We all have a team around us, as Willie gives credit to his own speaking business team.  Willie Spears says it comes down to how we value each other and contribute to the goal that makes the difference.

And Willie Spears said, sometimes that comes in the form of tough love to get the job done.  Willie has a TWSE4heart and mission for young people, especially African Americans, who he believes need to read more.  They need to be challenged to be better… to be the change.   His book series, Keisha’s Dilemma, The Ultimate Dilemma, and Derek’s Dilemma are aimed at all youth to make great decisions and choose integrity and moral character for their lives.  As Willie Spears travels across the country speaking to youth, he sees common challenges youth face in making right decisions.TWSE books good to great

In his book, Transforming Your Life from Good to Great, with chapters like Don’t Major in MinorsLeaders Need to Pour… Willie Spears inspires all of us to not let good get in the way of GREAT!

Tamara Leigh’s TREND ON — Engaging Your Audience to TREND ON You! features guest interviews and current trends from businesses to entertainment to lifestyle topics along with a Trend On Fashion tips.

Listen LIVE every Wednesday at 10:00am Central Time, or anytime after the show airs via the link — all our shows are recorded for archival listens. You can also listen via phone by dialing-in to 1-323-580-5755.  If you have a comment or question*, dial-in to 1-323-580-5755 then press 1 to get into the host cue. (*Some show interviews are pre-recorded due to the guests time availability, but the guests listen to the show — usually — unless I stink it up really bad, 🙁 yikes! — so your comment or question can still be included in the conversation.)  Tamara Leigh’s  TREND ON is one of the shows in the growing line-up of programming on the Linked Local Network.  You can also find this blog on our TamaraLeighLLC.com/blog.

TWSE5Tamara Leigh is founder/owner of Tamara Leigh, LLC, A Communications Expertise Company meeting the needs of clients on multiple Communications platforms including mobile/social/websites, blogging/content/editing, InterCultural Communication/ELL (English Language Learners) and image/style consulting.

Follow us: tamaraleighllc.comlinkedlocalnetwork.com & on twitter: @tamaraleighllc  ; @linkedlocalnetLinkedInGoogle+


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