This is a great post from Michael Stelzner from Social Media Examiner as well as podcast which talks about how to grow your business through Twitter, and be sure to check my resource The Power of Twitter. All you have to do is tweet the resource out and you will have access to my free ebook available to you, Nineteen Powerful Tips to Increase Your Chances of Being Retweeted. Every social media platform is very important to utilize, and Twitter has its unique functions.

Stelzner also interviewed social media author and broadcaster, Joel Comm, and the topic of Klout was covered as he stresses why Klout is more important than many people want to realize. Be sure to check it out.

By Michael Stelzner Published December 6, 2013 Do you use Twitter for your business? Are you wondering how to use Twitter to grow your online influence? To learn how to best use Twitter for your business, I interview Joel Comm for this episode of the Social Media Marketing podcast […]

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