Our Canine Companions for Independence puppy, West was released from the service dog program because he has mild dysplasia.  He is not in any pain but the rigors of being a service dog would take its toll on him over time.  So, he is back with us and is now our pet.  He no longer has a cape to wear, no longer goes out in public with us.

West is having a career change.  The combination of his wonderful personality and extensive training make him an ideal candidate to be a Therapy Dog.  I am pursuing this and hope to have an announcement very soon.

Meanwhile, West is an excellent big brother to our new Canine Companions for Independence puppy Noyo (rhymes with boy-o).  Noyo is now 3 months old.  He is doing fabulously.  He is growing and learning at a rapid rate.  Sadly, I can no longer comfortably pick him up.  He’s 30 pounds or more.  He will be weighed next week when he has his regular vet appointment.  He learned his name quickly and has learned to come when called, sit on command, wait and (knock on wood) has not had an accident in two weeks.  He loves West and our German Shepherd, Simon.  They are a great source of entertainment for us.

West is such a Mama’s Boy.  He is laying at my feet as I write this.  I’m disappointed that he did not complete his journey to become a service dog, but so very happy to have this special boy in my life.  Together we will bring joy to others.  Things happen for a reason.  Look for posts about our experiences as a Therapy Dog Team.

Reading stories about Therapy Dogs warmed my heart and wet my face.  I guess I should invest in some water proof mascara.

All the Best,


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