Did you watch the Oscars and did you also keep up with the chatter happening on Twitter at the same time? Ellen DeGeneres shared a selfie, with other celebrities that happened to be in the background such as Jared Leto, Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper and Brad Pitt on Twitter- which ended being retweeted over 3 million times, and brought her already super high Klout score of 93 to 96!

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Keep in mind, unless you are a celebrity yourself, it is highly unlikely you will end up with that many social media shares. In most cases, if you already have a high Klout score, meaning it is over 70, it can take at least a week to months to rise up even a point. The higher up you are, it becomes like mountaineering when you attempt to climb further. However, the point of this blog post is to indicate that if you share compelling and original content – you will receive plenty of reception meaning plenty of retweets or shares in general. You will get plenty of likes, comments, mentions, +1′s, etc. Your compelling content will go around quite fast!

What Kind of Content Has the Potential to Go Viral?

Listed below are examples of types of content that your connections will interact with, and may even share across their networks.

1. Compelling and Educational Blog Posts – For those influential in a particular field will want to be writing as many blog posts or articles that are not only relevant to their niches however that will hold interest. Right after publishing your post, be sure to share it on the major social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and LinkedIn. Odds are if you put a lot of effort into the piece you have written, it will go viral- or at the very least you will receive a lot of interaction because of it.

2. Memes – What are memes? They are text that you write up on images. They are very hot. The best way to create compelling memes are taking quotes from well known people and always giving them credit- and adding it to an image that you either own, bought or found through royalty free resources. You can find meme generators however Meme Dad is highly recommended because it is watermark free. And the best thing about that is you can create your own watermark. What many people do is take an image that they have rights to, take a compelling quote and position it on top of the image. Then they watermark it with their website link on the bottom, and the more compelling it is, the higher the odds that it will be passed around quite a bit. That could even mean more business for you!

3. Original Images – Just like Ellen did with the selfie, you can take pictures that you know your audience will enjoy. Even if it is not necessarily relevant to your niche, that is okay to add a few random images into your campaign. In fact that is encouraged because that way you are being real to your connections. Did your dog do something cute – you took a picture of him, and you want to share it on your networks? Did you drive by scenery that was spectacular or unusual and stopped to take a picture of it? Go share it! It will only draw attention to you and your networks, and you will end up with a load of new followers or fans that way.

4. Your Own Videos – Did you create a video that you know would captivate your audience? You must upload it to YouTube, and share the heck out of it. Better yet, write up a short blog post about it and embed the video in it and share that. If it is very impressive, it will go viral.

5. Informative Podcasts – It is highly recommended that you have your own podcast if you really do want to become influential in your niche. You can do that for free on Blog Talk Radio. Invite guests that are interesting and share your shows through your networks, or you can also write up a short blog post and embed the podcast into that and share.

6. Quotes or Memorable Status Updates – It is encouraged to share quotes through your networks because that will get a lot of reception. However, if you think of a compelling status update that is relevant to your field, or that will just be intriguing- it also may go around.

The best thing to do is to mix up your content, share it, and be consistent with it. Best of all, make sure it is original other than the content that you share from your friends. Again, the odds are against you that you will receive as many retweets as Ellen did, unless of course once again you are a celebrity. However, if you share your own content that is intriguing your fans and followers, it has a high chance of going viral.

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