As heard on Tamara Leigh’s TREND ON, LIVE every Wed. @ 10:00am & available archival via link at:

by Tamara Leigh, Host of Tamara Leigh's TREND ON show LIVE every Wed. at 10:00am (CST) on the Linked Local Network & Founder of Tamara Leigh, LLC, A Communications Expertise Company Follow on twitter @tamaraleighllc

by Tamara Leigh, Host of Tamara Leigh’s TREND ON show LIVE every Wed. at 10:00am (CST) on the Linked Local Network & Founder of Tamara Leigh, LLC, A Communications Expertise Company Follow on twitter @tamaraleighllc

THIS PAST WEEK on Tamara Leigh’s TREND ON – Engaging Your Audience to TREND ON You!  Our guest James Perdue Ed.D.  – Motivational / Keynote Speaker & Author, successful Teacher and Coach, and a Quadriplegic shared his message of Inspiration in Persevering Past Your Paralysis with our audience, as well as our other TREND ON Guest, George Patterson, VP at Robertson/Ryan and Insurance Consultant–Tips for Saving $ on Your Insurance and What Obamacare Means to You, along with a Special Tribute to a Friend.

George Patterson – Insurance Ins & Out 

 George Patterson, VP at Robertson/Ryan & Insurance Consultant is an expert in property/causal insurance, as well as a UW-Madison graduate with a specialized Bachelors degree in Risk Management/Insurance/Marketing, Insurance.   With Obamacare rolling out, no matter you politics, there are issues

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