The fear of death has an interesting way of changing your perspective.

It shows you clearly, in an instant, what matters and what doesn’t.

No more games or passive aggressive excuses. No more unhealthy advice from negative friends. No more pretending. Just raw, unfiltered clarity.

You can see the truth. You know what matters.

You can feel it in your soul.

You can easily make the mistake of waiting an entire lifetime to experience that moment of enlightenment and focus.

It’s not often that you get shaken by an experience so profoundly that you change your behavior. That you are willing make permanent changes.

It’s easy to forget the importance of improving as soon as the pain of the moment goes away.

You go back to being mediocre.

You stop eating healthier once the health scare goes away. You stop saving money. You stop practicing kindness and personal development. You give up on your goal to reinvent yourself and follow truth.

And another moment is wasted. Another awakening, caused by fear and terrifying circumstances, goes without permanent results.

You don’t change. You don’t get better. You don’t hold on to that moment of fear and obsession. Wanting to live. Desiring another chance. Wishing you could do it all over again.

These scary moments in your life are that second chance you’ve been waiting for.

Hold on to that moment. Remember that will and wish to live and thrive.

Use that memory as a catalyst to make each moment matter.

Live each day dying to live.

The post When You’re Finally Dying To Live. appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

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