There isn’t anything you can’t do. It’s that simple.

Make no mistake, you will have limitations in your way.

Physical qualities will challenge you as a human. Financial obstacles will require your attention. Politics and changing economics around the world will demand that you adjust.

But just because things change and you’re required to do hard things doesn’t mean that you can’t get to where you want to be.

It’s a choice.

Hard times and tough decisions have always been a threat to people like you who want more for themselves.

It’s always been that way and will continue to be that way long after you leave this earth. You don’t have it any harder than anyone else has had it.

Your problems are different. The way you view the challenges in your way is different. But problems are universal.

Heartache and fear shake all of us.

The only way past those obstacles is to embrace the struggle. To welcome the battle. To be willing to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes until you get to where you want to be.

Look around you. Every day, someone just like you is losing weight. Someone just like you is getting wealthy. Someone just like you is getting promoted.

It’s all around you. People like you are pursuing and achieving their dreams.

They aren’t special.

They don’t have anything you don’t have.

They just believe that there isn’t anything they can’t do if they’re willing to work hard enough for long enough.

And so they work and fight and believe. Always dreaming. Always rebounding. Always believing in themselves in spite of what their situation looks to everyone else around them.

Always dreaming. Always rebounding. Always believing in themselves in spite of what their situation looks to everyone else around them.

Why can’t you have that too?

You have everything you need to make that happen. You have the skills and the will and the heart and the hustle.

Now you have to get to work.

You have to dream and believe — and then work like it matters. Because it does. Because anything is possible.

The post Why Can’t You Have That Too? appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

Copyright by Waldschmidt Partners Intl… Not sure that all that legal stuff really matters. If you want to share this material, do so. Just don’t charge for it and don’t tell people you wrote it. Both of those are uncool.

Other than that, all rights are reserved to you to change your life. If you are ready to be amazing, now is the time to get started. Onward…

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