The lion doesn’t kill because he’s angry.

The lion doesn’t kill to prove that he’s still got what it takes to be the king of the jungle.

The lion doesn’t stalk, hunt, chase, capture and devour his prey to look good, win friends, or feel better about himself.

He fights because he is hungry.

He hunts because he is hungry. He runs to the point of exhaustion because he is hungry.

He strains and stresses and strives because he is hungry.

Hunger is what drives his impulses. Not pride. Not charm. Not ego. Not an over inflated sense of communal purpose. Hunger.

It’s what gives the lion his roar.

The reason behind his majesty.

And it’s what is most often missing from your life when you accomplish less than you know you could. When you give up.  When you make excuses. When you pretend that life is more difficult for you than everyone else.

The hard truth is that you aren’t hungry enough to try harder.

You aren’t hungry enough to do more than you have ever done before.

You don’t hunger for triumph.

And so you don’t rule your jungle. You don’t chase and hunt — you trot and look. You go through the motions instead of running through obstacles.

You do enough to not look lazy, but are never possessed by an all-consuming urge to do what it takes to achieve massive attemps at greatness.

Take time to cultivate your hunger.

Think about your success. Let if soak into your soul.

Meditate on it. Live it. Attempt it. Ignore the doubters.

Hunt. Chase. Kill. Stay hungry.

The post Why The Lion Kills. appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

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