You are more in control of your destiny then it often feels to you at the time.

Sometimes you’re in a situation where your peers or boss are hard to get along with — overbearing, arrogant, and abrasive.

You feel stuck because even though you don’t like how you feel working there you don’t have the courage to leave your job to go find a different position.

The decision is yours whether you stay or go.

Each day you get bullied, badgered, and beat up is a choice that you make. No one else is forcing you. It’s your decision alone. Yet these sort of situations make you feel a lot less in control than you actually are.

Whether it be conflict at work, in your family life, at church, in the community, or countless other places — you always have more freedom to choose then you feel like you do at the time.

You feel stuck. The reality is that you’re not stuck at all.

You’re just not making the right choice.

Or you’re blaming someone else for the uncomfortable consequences of your past choices.

You can change anything as long as you’re willing to make hard choices and do the hard work that it takes to achieve the success you want for yourself.

Don’t waste your life feeling miserable because of lies you tell yourself when you’re not feeling okay.

Choose something else.

The post You Have More Choices Than You Think You Do. appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

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Other than that, all rights are reserved to you to change your life. If you are ready to be amazing, now is the time to get started. Onward…

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