One Of Those Days.

Those days you are too immobilized by disgust to continue forward. Those days you are too consumed by fear to try something new. Those days when you’re so angry you can’t even think straight. Those days when the criticism of others makes you want to give...

Whatever You Do.

Whatever you do, avoid negative people doing it. Whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability. Whatever you do, have a plan to do it better the next time. Whatever you do, surround yourself with people who believe in the cause like you do. Whatever you do,...

Show Confidence not Egotism

  There’s a fine line between confidence and egotism. The former is a great asset to your career and business. The latter usually is a detriment. Confidence is shown through your erect posture, strong handshakes, credible eye contact, positive leadership, …...

What Tough People Know.

Grit doesn’t mean you stick it out — stuck alongside negative people. Persistence doesn’t mean you have to swim through the sludge of pessimism. Focus isn’t blind. Discipline isn’t stupid. The tough truth is that you know where you want...