What you think about the most you ultimately become.  What you tell yourself you end up doing.

If you allow yourself to make excuses when you fail or point the finger at others when you get frustrated you’ll end up living a life that is miserable and mediocre.

If you want to win more — and bigger — you need to tell yourself the right things each day. You have to be your toughest critics and fiercest cheerleader.

You have to fight for ownership of your mind.

Almost every day I go running. Push my limits and remind myself that I can always be better.

Every day I meditate. Midway through the day I stop and clear my mind. Recharge. Reboot.

Every day I stop and remind myself of these guiding principles around which I guide my life.

  1. If I want something I have never had, I must do something I have never done.
  2. I refuse to waste time worrying about things that I can not control.
  3. Everyday, in every way, I am getting better and better by the choices that I make and the work that I do.
  4. I’m tough enough to do whatever needs to be done for as long as that takes.

I say these each day — sometimes several times each day — because I play to win each day.

And I don’t have moments to waste doing things that don’t work.

I want to win.

The post 4 Things I Tell Myself Each Day. appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

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Other than that, all rights are reserved to you to change your life. If you are ready to be amazing, now is the time to get started. Onward…

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