miriam slozberg writers block

As a busy blogger or writer, it is very easy to run into a block when it comes to writing out new content for your blog. You sit down and attempt to write, but the information just won’t come. You become frustrated because you know that your blog has not been updated for over a week. You realize how crucial it is to keep updating your blog weekly at the very least, but the words are not coming and you find yourself frozen. That is how that dreaded writer’s block manifests. And I have a confession to make. I have had it too lately. I have been so incredibly busy working for some new great clients, and I am quite grateful. However, the other night when I attempted to write a blog post, I froze and left the blog. That is not something I recommend because these blocks can be pushed through. When you know you need to update your blog, yet you are frozen by this block- you need to be inspired! Here is some advice that I will also remember to take the next time I bump into another block.

Read Other Blogs– When you are stuck on finding a topic to write about, go look for other blogs in your niche, and you may find a topic that you would want to write about. Now, I am not telling you to take someone else’s written content and place it on your own blog! That is plagiarism, and you could get into a huge trouble for that. Not to mention, your reputation will be negatively affected. Only look for inspiration and ideas. It won’t take long before you find something that you would be ready to write about. That is a great way to cure writer’s block.

Go on Forums– Forums in your niche are another great place to find content that you could write about. Look at the discussions, and chances are you will find something to elaborate on in your own blog.

Listen to Podcasts– There are many podcasts around and all you need to do is check some out on iTunes, or Blog Talk Radio, or do a Google search for podcasts that are relevant to your niche. You will surely find one that will give you some ideas to write about.

Watch videos– Go on YouTube or Vimeo, and do a search for videos that are relevant to your niche. You may find one that will inspire you to start writing.

Set Aside Time to Blog– When you are running a business and raising a family, or if you have other responsibilities to tackle- you may find yourself not having any time to blog. However, it is very important that you do in order to keep your business moving forward. Being overly busy can create a writer’s block as well. Make sure you set a date and time to blog, or if you find yourself hitting the walls from a block, then be sure to use one of the suggestions mentioned above to help before that frustration hits.

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