I have discovered 5 ways to transform my family life by getting present to who I want to be, the unique gifts I have, and by sharing them with the people in my life can impact their lives and in turn the lives of their children.

Have you ever come to a place in your life where you began to question how you got to be where you are right now? Ask yourself how did I get here?

There was a song that was written years ago by the Talking Heads called Once in a Lifetime. I remember hearing this song on the radio over and over again but the words never really sank in until I was about 45 years old.

I recall hearing the words from verse 1 and as I began to ask myself the questions below in verse 1 I felt a sadness come over me and I feel those same feelings now as I am writing this. Feelings of not realizing how I have come to this point in my life, that many of the decisions I made over the past 20 years were based on some else’s values, it is like I was on a car trip to a destination and I was asleep the whole way. I missed all of the beautiful scenery and conversations between all of the passengers, and when we reach our destination I am told of all the amazing sites I missed along the way. Now I find myself in a life I did not design but a life that was designed for me which causes me to ask the questions in verse 2 and I don’t like the way it makes me feel. As I try to make sense of it all I become angry, I feel cheated! I feel robbed of not being able to enjoy all the pleasures I missed along the way!

Verse 1

And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
And you may find yourself in another part of the world
And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife
And you may ask yourself, “Well, how did I get here?”

Verse 2

And you may ask yourself, “How do I work this?”
And you may ask yourself, “Where is that large automobile?”
And you may tell yourself, “This is not my beautiful house”
And you may tell yourself, “This is not my beautiful wife”

You can listen to the entire song at Once in a Lifetime

I learned something today

Through an amazing course called the Master Key Experience, I learned 5 ways that inspired me to do the inner work which transformed myself and my family life and how I relate to other people.

  1. I learned that I was responsible for my happiness and no one else. It is not my wife, my son, or my friend’s job to make me happy. I am It is 100% responsible for my happiness. Ponder that thought for a moment and think about how many times you have blamed your spouse, your kids, your boss, and your neighbors for your unhappiness. When I realized this I decided to clean up my mess, in other words, I went to each person I treated poorly for my troubled life and asked them to forgive me. I did it without expecting a response from them because I did it for my benefit and when I did it was as if I had been dragging several balls and chains around for years which I now realized why I felt so tired at the end of the day. I felt like I just lost a thousand pounds of emotional baggage and I felt light as a feather.
  2. I learned to make time for myself. I made a decision to set aside personal time for me, time to reflect on where I am, ask myself if I am happy where I am in that area, and if I am not I will commit to learning how I can change it to be the way I want it to be.
  3. I learned how my mind worked, how my thoughts affected my feelings, how my feelings determined my actions and that my actions created the results I currently have.
  4. I learned that the 5 people I hang out with the most will either inspire you to take action towards creating the ideal life you want and the legacy you will leave when you reach your final resting place. This really impacted me when I went to find out if my father was still alive in 2008. I first google his name and found no results, I contacted the county clerk located in Carson City, NV, and I found out that he died in 2002. I decided to google my mom and my search came up empty. Knowing that both of my parents didn’t leave an impact on humanity before they died inspired me to find new and creative ways that I can help people in practical ways. I made it my intention to make every conversation a life-changing, I made a decision that my life will not end up the same way as my parents. I set aside some time to imagine what the memorial of my death would look like, who would be there, and what the conversation would be amongst the attendees. I visualized a long line of people waiting their turn to share the impact I had on their lives and the way I made them feel after having interacted with me. Thousands of people were excited for their turn to come to the microphone to share their testimony about me. It moves me to tears when I stop to think about it.
  5. I learned the power to change my life and the answers to life’s most important questions were given to each person at the time of their birth by their creator but we were just never taught how to access them. I spent years trying to fix myself but due to my limited access to the tools and resources available I stumbled and struggled for 45 years.

As you incorporate these 5 ways into your daily activities you will not only transform your family life but it will change the way you interact with every person you meet.

I know thousands of people just like you and me who have taken the Master Key Experience course and transformed their life like Laura Hitt. You can read her experience at Living To Your Own Beat

If you would like to learn the science behind each of the 5 ways I listed above to create the life you want the Master Key Experience enrollment is starting on September 8th, 2021. I would love to have a conversation with you regarding the upcoming course and answer any questions you may have about attending. you can set up an appointment with me at Meet With Mike. What makes this course different is that your spot in the course has already been paid for by last year’s attendees through a pay it forward scholarship.  Set up a time and get the tools you need NOW!


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