When I was a kid, every Christmas Eve my parents would load my sister and I in the car and drive through the neighborhood to look at Christmas lights.

When we returned home, we’d get ready for bed and try to stay awake to see Santa.

Of course everyone knows that Santa doesn’t come until the children are asleep, so all attempts to meet him were unsuccessful.

Except for one magical Christmas.

Per tradition, my sister and I were bundled up in our winter coats heading out to the car. My mom forgot something in the house, so she had to run back inside after which we took our annual drive.

We looked at the lights, anticipating Santa’s visit.

However, when we got home we were stunned to find that Santa had already been there. He left his packages and ate his cookies while we were gone! It was incredible.

If I ever doubt the magic of the season, all I have to do is remember that Christmas.

Waiting for Santa
Waiting for Santa

It’s nice to know that after all these years, Santa still makes his annual trek. Technology has made it much easier to find him, too.

If you know kids (young or old) who want to learn about Santa and track his flight this year, be sure to send them to NORAD Tracks Santa.

Check out the trailer for Christmas 2013.

May the farce be with you!

Your IFF,


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