eric tucci

getting social

On today’s episode of Getting Social with Miriam, the topic of survival and recovery was discussed. I interviewed Erica Tucci who is a certified life coach, licensed massage therapist, Reiki master, author and Tarot reader. She also was a corporate manager at a Fortune 500 company until she had a stroke in June 2011, which turned her world upside down. Since then, her focus has been to help provide inspiration and encouragement to others who face their own life-challenging experiences. She also continues to do the work she was doing before her stroke, helping women find their “yin radiance” through their authentic voice and their own healing. She has been interviewed numerous times on international radio shows and blogs, and her book Radiant Survivor: How to Shine and Thrive through Recovery from Stroke, Cancer, Abuse, Addiction and Other Life-Altering Experiences has been endorsed by renowned figures. She has a program for women called Yin Radiance: The Journey to Inner Balance that she developed shortly before her stroke, and is developing a trauma recovery program based on her book Radiant Survivor.

Erica and I discussed how she felt that her stroke in 2011 was a blessing to her in many ways, and what it had taught her. She also talks about why finding a balance is extremely crucial for everyone’s well being. Erica also brought up something very important in the podcast, which was about surrendering. That is the one thing that is so hard for us to do because so many of us have an intense need to control. However, Erica had brought up some important and crucial points for all of us to remember. Listen to the podcast below.

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