by Greg Markelz
We all know how valuable volunteers are to any charitable cause. These are the people who have the passion, the time, and the energy to help advance their favorite causes.
For each animal rescue site, this is no different than any other charitable cause, the volunteers (and employees) are the wheels on the bus and the motor that keep the cause driving toward its goal. The passion that drives them is the motivation for their actions and their service. They love to help because they believe in the cause. We are so thankful that they are helping! But what we have is the groundwork of an incomplete equation. We have the wheels on the bus and the motor, but no fuel.
When Chipotle told me he wanted me to write a song and produce a video to raise awareness and funds to benefit animal rescue organizations, he was addressing the more difficult problem. How do we gain the help of those who do not have the time, energy or motivation to volunteer? How do we find people who love animals, could spare a few dollars to help, and then motivate them to help? He was thinking that his story was intriguing enough to use as the bus that could on-board those that could help a little bit and drive them (virtually) to the animal rescue site to help. Chipotle’s story wants to be the renewable energy that sustains each animal rescue site.
Soon we will find out if his idea works, as we put the finishing touches on the “My Second Chance” campaign this week, let’s all remember that without funds, (renewable fuel) the great work that these organizations do to serve their causes would be impossible. Chipotle’s bus is his music video, he hopes many people will take the ride to help his buddies find their forever homes.