Balancing work and play can be a real challenge for some families.

I just realized It has been 5 months since I have taken the time to get away from home and relax. As I look back over the last 5 months I did notice a couple of times and maybe even once a month I invited my wife to go to the beach for a couple of hours or out to dinner. What happened that caused me to allow work to overtake my entire schedule and put my play time on the back burner?

In my review, I noticed patterns where all I can think of is making as much money as I can at the beginning of the month to avoid the frenzy of collecting payments for the entire month’s work in the last week of the month.

How do you find the time to relax and get away from it all?

Most people get so caught up in the drama of life they don’t see how they carve out time for a vacation let alone time for themselves.

Some people have learned to make play the priority and schedule work around their play time. I found this concept fascinating, did some research and came up with 5 ways to make it happen.

5 Tips to help you make playtime a priority

  1. Sit down at the beginning of the month and schedule date nights or mini outings with your husband, wife or significant other and make them immovable.



2. Make a wish list of things you would both love to do in the future. Post the list where you can see it.

  • Walks on the beach
  • Dinner and a movie
  • Visit Carmel by the Sea


3. Meet with the whole family and schedule a family vacation for that year. Post the vacation destination somewhere in your home where you will see it every day.


Family on Vacation


4. If money is an issue you can create a plan to earn money as a family by hosting a garage sale or sell old items online.


Garage Sale


5. Request the time off from work as soon as possible and let your boss know that your vacation is set in stone.


Woman talking to a man

Hi, Dave can I have next Friday off?


Use these tips and spend time brainstorming with your family about other ideas to help you make playtime. a priority.


Please leave a comment about how you applied the tips and the new ones you and your family came up with.


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