Great tragedy unifies people.

It drives focus. It accelerates progress.

It eliminates distraction. It enables massive change by bringing people together around a common cause.

But tragedy hurts.

It hurts to attempt a big dream and fail miserably. It hurts to invest in new relationships that don’t work out.

It’s uncomfortable to lose weight, save money, quit your job, ask for help, or do countless other things that would lead to break through in your life right now.

And being uncomfortable isn’t even in the same category as experiencing tragedy. That’s a whole new level of suffering.

So you avoid suffering.

And you find out that “not hurting” isn’t as safe and rewarding as thought it might be.

Your willingness to suffer in order to achieve your goals is directly related to how amazing you end up becoming.

The suffering in your life is there to accelerate your progress — not to hold you back.

It can make you better.

But you have to let the lessons you learn make you better. Stronger. More resilient and committed.

Be willing to do the things that hurt until you get to the place where you can celebrate.

The post Being Willing To Suffer. appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

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Other than that, all rights are reserved to you to change your life. If you are ready to be amazing, now is the time to get started. Onward…

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