If our public schools had core values it could change the way we educate our children and eliminate violence in our public schools.

If our public schools had core values would it make a difference?

Would it minimize school violence and bullying?

If our educational leadership like the school districts, PTA, the office staff, and teachers had a common value system to live by It could transform our school system from what it is today to be more like a  community focused on the premise that everyone wins.

I did some research and found an article about a school in Massachusetts named Cabot Elementary School that created a values system base on three core values.

  1. Becoming lifelong learners.
  2. Respect for self and others.
  3. Commitment to the school and community.

Transforming a school to live by a core value system is no easy task and does not rest on the shoulders of just one person. The school decides to focus on one core value throughout the year while keeping a focus on all of the core values established.

Having core values is one way to school morale another way is to introduce Intelligent Design but I don’t mean from a religious point of view but from a scientific point of view.

There are a couple of different ways you could teach intelligent design.

  1. A curriculum could be created on the subject of human DNA and the unique design each person has. To learn more about Intelligent Design visit their website at https://intelligentdesign.org/whatisid/
  2. Another curriculum could be created around the value of each person’s gifts talents and abilities and help each student learn what those qualities are and how they could help them as they grow into adulthood.
  3. One other very valuable curriculum could be based on the golden rule “Treat others as you would want to be treated”.


Photo by John Hain


I believe that if each school could adopt a set of core values and teach them throughout the school year and develop curriculum based on a scientific approach to intelligent design it could alleviate some of the horrific problems of bullying and the issue of children always trying to be like someone else instead of embracing their own uniqueness.

I would love to hear some of your thoughts and ideas on this subject and encourage to leave me a comment.




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