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If you have a home or business in Durham or Holly Springs, NC and you are wanting to have your old flooring removed and have hardwood flooring installed – then you are in luck. That is because Flooring By Design will have the best quality hardwood flooring installed into your home and business. 

And, you may be hesitant if you have already had hardwood flooring installed but it ended up causing you plenty of problems. If that was the case, then that is because whoever did install your hardwood floors did not do it the correct way. Poorly installed hardwood floors can cause warping, as well as it can cause an increase of moisture getting trapped inside which will cause mold and mildew to breed. Not only is this is a health hazard but it can lead to other problems in the home. That also means having poorly installed hardwood flooring will create expensive repair jobs in the home which is another thing you will want to avoid. 

That is not something you need to worry about with Flooring By Design. The staff at Flooring By Design are guaranteed to properly install the flooring and will take preventative measures to avoid the risk of warping during the installation process. They will also test the environment before installing such as using moisture readers to prevent the risk of mold and mildew from breeding due to moisture problems. They also take cleanliness very seriously and will make sure that the floors are installed in the cleanest way possible so the surroundings are not affected by the work done. 

Flooring By Design also wants you to be aware of the benefits of having hardwood flooring installed in your home or office. The benefits of hardwood flooring are:

  • Easy to maintain as they make vacuuming and sweeping easy
  • Affordable and will also increase the value of the property at the same time
  • Eco- friendly as the wooden floors come from a sustainable and renewable natural resource
  • Keep you healthy as hardwood floors do not trap artificial substances, dust mites, as well as mold and mildew 

And again, as long as they are properly installed as they will be when the installation is done by the professional staff at Flooring By Design, then the benefits are excellent!

And, the other bonus thing about Flooring By Design is that the staff are super friendly, and are extremely responsive. They will answer your inquiries and will be there to help you out. All you need to do is get in touch with them when you scroll down to the bottom of their website

They also have a wide variety of floors to choose from, and sure enough, they will have a match for the style that you are looking for. You will be glad once you have taken advantage of the excellent flooring services offered by Flooring By Design. 

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Written by Miriam Slozberg

Miriam Slozberg

Miriam Slozberg is a freelance writer, author, astrologer, and blogger and has a warped sense of humor.


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