You’ve often heard that “anything worth doing is worth doing right”.

And while that is certainly easy to agree with, doing it is another story. It’s a lesson in earning.

Earning what you want from life is about doing the hard things that you naturally make excuses to avoid doing.

Earning more from life means you have to put in more effort. More agony. More of yourself. It’s not a ritual.

It’s a ridiculous level of commitment.

Scary, you might say. Unhealthy. Imbalanced. Unreasonable.

Earning more demands more.

It stops being fun, funny, or fantastic. It’s about a singular focus on a few key things that you think are important.

The cool thing is that you get to decide what matters most.

You get to decide what you want.

You can pick anything or everything. And you probably already have done that. Several times over.

Have you earned it? Have you earned what you want from life? Think about that the next time you find yourself struggling for answers.

It doesn’t matter what you want from life — if you’re not willing to earn it, you won’t get it. It doesn’t matter how smart you are. It doesn’t matter how rich, brilliant, or well connected you might be.

You have to earn your happiness.

Train hard every day. Show up to the game each day. Improve, empower, and engage each day.

It’s not one big brilliant thing that you can do. It’s not one grand gesture.

It’s about fighting as hard as you can every day between the time and place where you are now and when you get to where you want to be.

That’s how you earn it. By putting in the effort.

The post Earning What You Want From Life.  appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

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Other than that, all rights are reserved to you to change your life. If you are ready to be amazing, now is the time to get started. Onward…

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