Do you want to save yourself from a $65,000 loser proposal effort? Eileen Kent, Federal Sales Sherpa, helps you determine whether or not you are ready to write a winning proposal in this week’s Federal Sales Sherpa Show airing on Tuesday, December 10, 2013 at 5pm CST:

Kent says, “Writing a proposal for the federal government takes an investment of time, expertise and talent and you never want to ring the dinner bell to get the team to come into the office all weekend to write a loser. We only have time and money for winning proposals.”

In this week’s episode of the Federal Sales Sherpa Show, Kent shows you how to look at the investment as a whole – from the travel for the sales appointments to the final proposal preparations. She’ll help you add factors you can predict such as the number of hours it will take to complete the proposal multiplied by the average hourly rate of your team members, and she will help you figure in the evenings, weekends and the lost selling time on other opportunities.

“There are direct costs you can predict, but it’s the indirect costs that are going to demoralize the team when you lose,” says Kent.

This one thirty-minute show could save you in upwards of $65,000. Join us Tuesday December 10 at 5pm or download the show anytime thereafter if you’re thinking about responding to a public Request of Proposal:

For further assistance on selling to the federal government, contact the Federal Sales Sherpa at 312-636-5381 or “Like” the Federal Sales Sherpa Show on Facebook today.

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