Fractured Cliché: Ignoring the white elephant in the room

Correct Cliché: Ignoring the 800 pound gorilla in the room

To me there’s little material difference between these clichés. Imagine a white elephant or an 800-pound gorilla. Either would be hard to ignore.

Something else that would be hard to ignore is two football fields, adjacent to a busy highway, filled with 1,000 marijuana plants, some 10 feet tall. Yet that’s exactly what happened south of Chicago. The pot’s value was estimated between 7 and 10 million dollars. Before the bust, the police must have thought it was just weeds.

In handling the situation, authorities could have generated revenue for Chicago by harvesting the plants and holding a white elephant sale for states with legalized medicinal pot. But they took the high road instead, sending a harsh message – illegal drugs would not be tolerated.

The crop was destroyed, chopped down and burned. I imagine there was an outpouring of community support – a huge crowd watching the whole thing. The smoke was probably thick, but their visible solidarity was necessary to make sure their message was heard.

May the farce be with you!

Your IFF,


The ladies refused to acknowledge the 800 pound white gorilla in the room

The ladies refused to acknowledge the 800 pound white gorilla in the room


About the Author

Pam Waits has more than 20 years of experience in human resources with 10 years in the top HR spot for mid-sized companies. She currently works as a Human Resources consultant. Additionally, she holds a Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology.

Pam is also a writer and humorist, defying the perception that human resource professionals lack a sense of humor. She’s a leader who believes humor is an important part of a healthy business culture and a necessary part of life. 
If you’re too busy to laugh, you’re too busy.

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