How about getting yourself a massage? What’s stopping you? Spending many years as a Massage therapist, witnessing numerous benefits to see how ones life was able to change in such a positive manner.  Anxiety, stress, chronic pain, fatigue, depression, lower blood pressure. The list is almost endless. Remembering my first massage! OH my GOODNESS!  Only the Rich and famous were getting massages. Never ever figured for one moment, that myself would ever experience such a luxury. If the medical field would get their stuff together, massage should be first on the list of covered treatments. Not talking about approving just maybe 10 massages totally? No way! If you have Diabetes, you need constant meds. What’s wrong with getting a massage for medical reasons once every 2 weeks for quite a while? Think about how much LESS medicine we would need to take? Not much in all honesty! Europe has been approving massages in the medical field for centuries. YES, they have more spas, and health care clinics to provide help for those suffering from all sorts of Maladies.  ALL covered by the Government or Insurance companies.

Training for myself at the time, was extremely unconventional.  There weren’t any schools in the states for Massage. I was able to train under a Physical therapist from Germany. He had worked for a few years at several health spas in Germany, and France. He would trek out to the Black Forest and gather certain herbs to make into potent pumices to use on patients bodies, for all sorts of treatments. If they were coming in for Fatigue, he would mix some Eucalyptus with certain oils. Then, he would massage their bodies with that oil mixture. If the fatigue was extreme, they could choose to take a Champagne power bath. Champagne is poured into this vat with special pumps that are extremely forceful. They would take a hose with the water shooting out, and push that water on your body with the Champagne being forced into your skin. Yes, it would wake you up, and give you energy.  Special herbs and pumices are used frequently in Europe in most of their spas. One Spa in particular that I would love the pleasure of going to, is called Baden Baden, in Germany.  It’s been around for centuries. Many dignitaries have been going for their health concerns. They have special water to drink, and many therapies that you can receive. What an experience that would be.

My trainer had come to Illinois to study at the National College of Chiropractic. This college is WORLD known. Several international students attend there, and still do.  My friends and some teachers, allowed me to attend a few classes. I did NOT graduate from the school, but received top notch training, and not paying ONE DIME…Whenever there would be a seminar that seemed of interest, I was able to go with my friends. I met the man who founded Applied Kinesiology. Many Massage Seminars. I learned about Rolfing, and was able to exchange services with bartering for Rolfing, Massage and presents for my family. Yes, that included jewelry, etc. Services for house repairs and even medical help for my son. What I learned the most was HOW important Massage was and is for many.

A physician friend of mine got tired of prescribing Valium to his patients. He talked with me and asked if I would help him in his practice! I worked out of his office and gave a few of his patients massages. His patients felt so much better. They received one hour massages. They left feeling so much better. He too was so pleased with the results. What an amazing doctor he was. He had a vision to help his patients. He delivered my last two sons. Plus, when I was in need of medical care and didn’t have the funds to get the help I needed, he came to my rescue. I was able to give him massages for his medical help.

Wow, another possible Blog!!!  Bartering for your expertise!  Anyway, to get back to the subject of massage. If you look at the featured image, you’ll see a beautiful picture of Cancun. It was so relaxing to lay out on that beach. Even looking at the picture can make me become calm! But, an incredible massage can do much more than just relax you. It can help you relieve stress. You think so much clearer. Reduce anxiety, manage your pain, sleep better, decrease your blood pressure, improve your quality of life. Help with fighting off depression.  Just that hour of relaxing is so important. Here’s a recommendation; when you’re receiving a massage, please do your best to not chat. This is your time to enjoy and use that time to reflect. Put yourself in a meditative state and try and focus on “NOTHING”! Keep your mind as blank as possible.  Forget about phone calls, appointments you need to make. That will always be there after your massage.

I have massaged a few famous people in my day, or those related to famous actors and actresses.  Don’t care to divulge their names. One actress thought she was so important. She was strictly a B rated actress. Yes, she was in a movie with Cary Grant. I had to go to the Playboy club in Chicago, to work on her. Occasionally, her name comes up on a few movies on Turner Classic Movies. Her acting is really so poor. She gave me a hard time several times, so we parted ways. I did have an interesting experience when I went to the Playboy club. You had to take this back elevator strictly for the VIP’s. I would have my table and my case full of special oils, towels and sheets  At times, it would be quite heavy. A few men thought they could try and slip their keys down the front of my shirt, in my bra. After removing their keys, I would tell them that they couldn’t afford my services!!!


Do yourself a favor and try and get a massage. Please? Life is too short. YOU need time for you to relax. Look at the pictures above that I have posted, you’ll see how relaxed my Fur Babies look? I have just given them a soft gentle loving RUB. That helped them to relax and sleep so well!  You too can become that relaxed!



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