There are no easy answers to life’s complex problems.

Generating more revenue and fixing sticky business problems isn’t something you can do by simply following the course or selecting a few generic, reproducible actions to incorporate into your existing strategy.

It’s not that easy.

Doing the work of solving complex problems isn’t hard. But figuring out what to do and why it matters to you demands extraordinary emotional commitment that most people just aren’t up for.

It’s hard work to think for yourself. It’s tedious to look weird and follow your instinct even when there isn’t enough evidence to justify that what you’re doing will actually end up working.

That’s what makes problem solving so difficult.

Every solution works some of the time. And at the worst possible time, even the best solutions fail to give you the results that you expect.

So what are you supposed to do when the obvious answer isn’t always the winning answer? What are you supposed to do when even the best ideas and winning strategies from the past don’t seem to be effective anymore?

You change how you look at problems.

You start by recognizing that there are no easy answers. You admit that your decisions and solutions impact other people around you.

You frame the discussion not around what is easy, quick, fast, friendly, or cheap — but rather around the need for empathy and compassion throughout the process.

Embrace kindness.

Instead of looking for the silver bullet that remedies a difficult challenge, look for the reason to tackle the challenge in the first place.

Tough problems aren’t ever solved easily.

Know that going in. Remember it. Embrace the process. Avoid easy answers. Do what no one else is willing to do — longer than it seems logical.

Everyone else will have already given up. The secret to figuring it out is to humbly keep trying.

The post How To Solve Problems Awesomely. appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

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