Schools and parents need to develop a partnership to support SEN children. Communication is vital; in particular, both the parents and the school should regularly information one another about what is happening and any progress that is being made.

Strategies To Implement

School can be difficult. There are a lot of expectations and structure, and the SEN child may have difficulty adjusting. There are ways that parents can help. For example, if you have a child with a lot of energy, first reach out to the teacher. Find out how they are performing in class. From there, go online and research how to help with concentration and productivity. Closely observe your child at home and when around family members and friends.

What situations does your child struggle with? Does it happen in the morning or at night? Does it happen when he or she is exhausted? A behavior chart may assist your child in meeting expectations even when it is hard for them.

Think about your child’s likes and dislikes. What do they enjoy doing? Are they able to focus when they are at home if you give them a task? Perhaps your child is struggling at school because they do not enjoy the subject matter or perhaps the teacher’s style may not be conducive to the way they learn.

What is your child’s diet like? How much sleep do they get? A healthy rested child will do better than a child that is always tired or that eats a diet filled with processed food.

What is your schedule like? Can you devote time to your child, where it is just the two of you together? If not, consider how you might be able to rearrange your schedule to allow something like this to happen.

Do not turn a blind eye to what is happening with your child. Instead, look into the issue. Create goals to help your child improve. Your child can do better academically if they also perform well behaviorally. Use the things that your child is interested in to help improve their concentration. Over time, you’ll see that they are able to function better in school as a result of their new skills.

If someone at the school mentions that they think your child has ADHD, consider the facts first before you rush to any conclusions. The article, “Does My Child Really Have ADHD?” may help you. There are other reasons why a child may be hyperactive, and it is important to understand what is really going on with your little one.

There is more support for SEN children than ever before, and new schools are opening to support them all the time according to this post from Tradewind.

Employ Positivity When Parenting

It is easy to notice the bad and a little harder to make note of the good. However, children need to understand that they are valued. Rather than focusing on what your child is doing wrong, try to focus on what they are doing right.

Give your child responsibility. Letting them take charge helps them to feel good about themselves. They also feel accomplished. Make sure to tell your child when you see them doing something that is positive. Your child will understand that you see them trying and they will often try harder as a result.

Break down directions so that they are clear and given as short snippets of information. You want your child to remain focused while you are telling them what needs to be done.

Talk to your child. Give them time to respond and make conversation. If you don’t, you’ll soon find that your child gives you short answers to questions instead of going into detail.

Help your child become more confident. Engage them so that they develop skills. The school has to teach your child a certain material. They cannot always turn every learning activity into a game. However, you have more flexibility and can tap into your child’s interests. You can give them the opportunity to try new things.

Talk about feelings. Ask your child how they are feeling. Share how you are feeling as well. You want your child to be aware of emotions and how they impact behavior. In addition, this gives them insight into how other people are feeling and why they may be acting the way they are.

Talk about what happens in your child’s life. Go over the situation and ask if there is anything they could have done differently. Simply talking through the issue may help them to react in a different way if it happens again, allowing them to be more successful at school. Some children that have a lot of energy in the classroom just aren’t interested in what is going on and they don’t like their teachers. They feel picked on or targeted by the teacher. Help your child see the situation from the teacher’s point of view as well. Make sure they understand that teaching is not easy.

Give your child the skills they need; they should not define their self-concept by what someone else thinks of them. However, on the flip side of the coin, they need to accept criticism and use it to learn and grow. Self-control is an important skill.

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