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Productivity is often in the eye of the beholder, do you agree?

There’s an expression I had a hard time understanding for most of my life. I suspect you’ve heard it as well. It’s “can’t see the forest for the trees.”  According to the urban dictionary this expression means “that if you look at things one at a time, you might not realize that a branch of separate ‘trees’ go together to make a ‘forest.’”

When I’m engaged in physical activity my tendency is to engage in a form of tunnel vision and see only what’s before me. This morning what was before me was six inches of snow. I manned the snowblower and I felt I was moving the snow quite well.

Then my wife, who is a big picture thinker as well as a card carrying member of the OCD Society, asked if she could offer me a suggestion. I paused for a moment and reminded myself that she often sees things I don’t, and that this ability is an asset to me and NOT a criticism.

She shared her observation that the technique I was using to blow the snow was actually causing snow to cover much of the area I’d already cleared. It was a simple matter of where the ejection chute was pointed. A simple correction that improved my results.

So often in daily life, some people, perhaps even you, meet these moments with defensiveness. Phrases such as, “I know what I’m doing,” or “I’m NOT stupid” are indications of said defensiveness.

The point I’m making is that knowing the skills you have as well as the skills you do not is critical to maximizing your productivity. People have wasted countless hours on tasks that require skills they do not have. For me, organizing is one. However, if I ask my wife for guidance, a system of organization is quickly created and soon every item finds it’s place.

There is absolutely no point in trying to be good at the things everyone else is good at. You’re greatest contribution will be found in situations where your skills are complimentary. Rarely does someone ask for help with something they know how to do, but they’ll likely be willing to delegate a task to you that you’ve demonstrated competence in.

Know thyself, know your gifts. Even more important, is to welcome the gifts of others when they are offered to you. Assistance is an asset, NOT and insult.

Thanks for being you.

Thank you in advance for sharing


  • Brian R King

    Brian R. King LCSW is a Relationship Breakthrough Specialist who trains parents and educators to use innovative communication strategies to connect more effectively with their children/students on the autism spectrum.

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