It only takes one person to begin the process of restoring a marriage relationship.

Do you remember your wedding day or how things were when you were dating? The love of your life could do nothing wrong or you loved them so much you looked past those things that bothered you because after all “Love is Blind”. But take a moment and recapture those feelings you felt on your wedding day.

I remember my wedding day like it was yesterday. I even make it a priority to watch my wedding video at least once a year or more if I feel myself falling out of love with my wife. That day was the most magical day of my life! I cried like a baby when I shared my vows with my wife at the alter because I knew this was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Something happens after you have been married for a couple of years or even if you have been in a nonmarital relationship for a period of time where we begin to take each other for granted or we let petty little things push us apart. For example; Shortly after my wife and I were married my wife became frustrated by the way I squeezed the toothpaste from the middle of the tube instead of squeezing it from top to bottom to move all the toothpaste to the opening. You may say that is no big deal but these are the kind of things that if built up they will cause separation in your relationship.

Do you long for the passion and connection that you had when you first met your soul mate? Do you feel that you and your spouse have been drifting further apart and you don’t actually spend quality time together anymore?

I learned a process about five years ago that really changed the way my wife and I communicate. Is our marriage perfect? No, but we have experienced so much healing since we adopted this new way of communicating and it has caused us to want to spend more time together doing fun things like we did when we were first dating and early on in our marriage.

We were able to get clear on what each of us wants our relationship to be like and made the commitment and time to make it happen.

There is hope for your marriage but it will take work. If you would like to learn more you can set up a 30-minute phone call with me to get your questions answered  HERE




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