levinPamela Joy Levin, an independent consultant for Rodan + Fields skin care products, will be an exhibitor at Chicago’s first Boomer Business Women’s conference. “Maximize Your Career – Business Tools for Women over 50” will be from 8:15 am – 4 pm Aug. 25, 2015 at DePaul University, Naperville campus.

As a consultant, Pamela has access to the Rodan + Fields Multi-Med® Therapy products “designed to deliver the right ingredients, in the right formulations, in the right order to transform your skin.” she said. “They are game-changing,” she added.

Rodan + Fields was founded by Dermatologists Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields, creators of Proactiv® Solution, America’s #1 selling acne system. The founders were included in Forbes’ list of 50 of America’s Top Self-Made Women.

Pamela also is an international recruiter building her own Rodan + Fields team. Find out more at www.pamelajoyskincare.myrandf.biz. Plus she is expanding her business to include original jewelry designs.




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