Linked Local Network is seeking Community Voices – People in the Non-Profit sector or Individuals who are willing to Blog at least once a week on subjects that are related to:
Business, Humor, Entertainment, Women, Education, or Veterans or other worthy topics of interest.
We would love to have people become community voices who understand the value of networking and social media. In being a Community Voice for Linked Local Network, you would have a page with your headshot, Bio, link to your website which is more exposure to your work, and of course a link to your latest blog entry. Linked Local Network is distributed to a wide audience so YOU can make a difference in the local and global communities.
Please feel free to contact us at:
Carly lives her live to Empower and Inspire others. Carly is passionate about Conscious Business Transformations & Entertainment of the Mind, Body, Business & Spirit, as it is all interconnected.
Carly’s Personal and Business Coaching teaches the blending and bridging of the East and the West in a grounded practical applicable way.
Carly takes Clients & Businesses from Cocoon to Flight Thru Learning, Playing & Growing Thru Creative Conscious Co-Creation… Take time to Learn, Play and Grow each and every day…
“Life is a Play and We are the Actors~Actresses, Writers, Editors, Producers, Directors, Co-Creators of Our Lives, we can create anything, anytime… Let’s Do it.” Carly Alyssa Thorne
Carly’s daily Motivation for getting up each and every day with a smile is her passion for inspiring and empowering others to Live a full out, open, aware, fun, compassionate, passionate, giving, loving, healthy and abundant life.
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