If your goal is important enough you’ll stay motivated long enough to see it through.

That’s the hard truth about inspiration. It’s the one thing you lose just after you stop looking for it.

When your goals aren’t  important enough — when they don’t really matter all that much to you — you struggle to stay motivated long enough to see them through.

You stutter step.

You stop and start and stop again. You say you want to be successful, but your behavior doesn’t line up with your words and thoughts.

Which is probably a clear indication that your goal isn’t all that important to you. It’s a “nice to have”. It’s not change that you need to have.

And while you might object to hard truth at first blush, it is hard to deny how quickly your life changes when you really want to change.

When you need to change.

You might talk about wanting to get healthy, but once you find yourself dying of diabetes you’ll start changing your eating habits a whole lot more quickly.

You might talk about getting in shape and wanting to run that marathon, but once you hear from your doctor that you’re dying from high cholesterol and an unhealthy heart, it’s amazing how quickly you find the time to get in shape and drop the pounds.

Whether it’s a wake up call with kids, your job, money, your personal relationships or your health — you start changing for the better when a goal really means something to you.

That’s the hard truth.

You don’t lack motivation when you really need to change.

Needing it fuels all the motivation you need.

That is the secret to staying inspired in spite of your daily grind.

  1. Attach what you’re doing to the need you have in your life right now.
  2. Internalize what you’re doing and map your activities to what really matters most to you.
  3. Stop doing things right now that don’t line up with life changing goals.
  4. Take time each day to meditate and think about the change you so desperately need in your life right now.
  5. Get physical with your goals. Work up a sweat. Go running. Start changing on the outside.

You can say you want to change, but if you can’t stay motivated to change, you probably don’t really want to change as badly as you think you do.

You want what is convenient.

You want easy success. Unfortunately, that type of success doesn’t exist.

Here’s the truth — if you can’t stay motivated, then you’re probably not focused on something that really matters to you.

Change that. Set yourself on fire — even if it means leaving everything that you’ve ever known in order to pursue the future you really want for yourself.

Live inspired.

It’s not worth it to just go through the motions.

Pursue awesome.

The post The Hard Truth About Why You Can’t Stay Motivated.  appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

Copyright by Waldschmidt Partners Intl… Not sure that all that legal stuff really matters. If you want to share this material, do so. Just don’t charge for it and don’t tell people you wrote it. Both of those are uncool.

Other than that, all rights are reserved to you to change your life. If you are ready to be amazing, now is the time to get started. Onward…

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