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Joanne Telser-Frère

The Mighty Mind

Free Your Genius Within

Listen to Joanne’s radio interview with Myrna here

Body/Mind Connections through the Joy of Movement

Heal your body, strengthen your mind/body connections, with  dance, yoga, healing and martial arts combined. Sounds crazy? Read on!

I met Myrna about 2 and a half years ago when I walked into my first Nia class and she was the teacher. I didn’t know exactly what Nia was, however someone had told me it was fun. I had always had back pains and thought that the only exercise I could do was in water, but I decided to give Nia a try. I didn’t know then that it would help heal my body.

I introduced myself and Myrna said, “If you like to have a good time you are in the right place!”

Nia is an Amazing Dance Form

I soon learned that Nia is an amazing dance form that draws from the martial arts, the dance arts and the healing arts. Not only is it fun, but it is excellent for both the body and the mind.

Myrna Weinman, Nia Black Belt Instructor

Myrna Weinman

Our first guest on The Mighty Mind is MYRNA WEINMAN,  NIA Black Belt instructor living near Chicago, Illinois. Myrna will introduce you to the world of NIA, the internationally acclaimed cardiovascular mind-body movement practice taught in more than 45 countries worldwide. NIA was created 30 years ago by Debbie Rosas and is the first practice to combine martial arts, dance arts and healing arts.

Nia Changes Lives

Myrna will share her story of being one of the first trainers to introduce NIA to Chicago more than 15 years ago.  She will explain more about how Nia is so different from other forms of dance/exercise. NIA is booming in Chicago today, you will hear how hundreds of people’s lives here have been changed by its evolutionary approach to fitness and wellness and what it can do for you

Myrna Weinman teaches NIA in Chicagoland . She has facilitated workshops and classes for Kellogg School of Business, IFS conferences, Evanston Public Schools, and the American Medical Student Association. Myrna is also a well-known somatic movement educator and a certified Laban movement analyst.

How to Ward off Dementia

How can you stay mentally young and alert as the years go by? What are the ways that you can ward off dementia?

The brain rules our bodies, our reactions, our emotions and so much more. For more information please contact me!

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