Joanne Telser-Frère

Joanne Telser-Frère

The Mighty Mind

Free Your Genius Within

 Click here to listen to The Mighty Mind featuring Kate Miller

Create change with the power of your mind!

Kate Miller, Licensed Spiritual Practitioner,  is a lovely woman I met recently. Her beautiful smile and calm aura  immediately made me want to get to know her better. In this episode of  The Mighty Mind we will talk about how you can actively engage your mind  to  make changes in your life. The mind is such a powerful tool,  Kate works with many people to teach them how to use it in different ways.

One Infinite Mind

We will discuss  a philosophy called  the Science of Mind, proposed by Ernest Holmes in 1926. The Science of Mind focuses on our MENTAL experience of the invisible Universe and how we establish our relationship with it. It is a fascinating concept to me, I love the idea that we are all part of something bigger, that each of us, as individuals, share part of this collective energy.

Words have energy and power

Have you ever thought about the power and energy in your words?  What you say and the way you express yourself  can actually influence your own life in both positive and negative ways. Just think about it for a minute. We have all met people who constantly say “bad things always happen to me” – and they do. On the other side of the spectrum, there are those positive, happy people who always seem to get what they want. In the words of Henry Ford,“Whether you think you can, or you think can’t–you’re right.”

Kate Miller , Licensed Spiritual Practitioner

Kate Miller  Licensed Spiritual Practitioner

Spirit Centered Leadership

Kate Miller, owner of Consciousness Consult, Inc based in the Chicagoland Area,worked in the health industry for many years before starting her own practice as a Spiritual Practitioner. Licensed through the  Centers for Spiritual Living Kate now works in the field of Spirit Centered Leadership, a leadership model that has proven itself successful in business settings as well as spiritual ones.We will discuss mindfulness in the workplace, and how it can save time and energy and promote positive, service leadership!

Visit Kate Miller’s website

Train your brain to help ward off dementia

How can you stay mentally young and alert as the years go by? What are the ways that you can ward off dementia?

The brain rules our bodies, our reactions, our emotions and so much more. For more information please contact me!


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