Last Sunday started out like any other day. I woke up early, had breakfast and read the Sunday paper. Then everything changed.

I went upstairs to shower and found a miraculous event had occurred in the bathroom sink.

Jesus appeared in my sink

Jesus appeared in my sink

I’m not a religious person but felt I had to pay attention when Jesus appeared. I didn’t know what message was being conveyed, but was determined to keep my mind open.

Stephen and I had a lot of errands to run so we decided to get an early start. We had to go to Walmart. We rarely go there because it is always so crowded – and crazy. However, I was amazed when we found a parking spot right up front. It was like God was shining down on me (or up at me from my sink).

See how close we parked?

See how close we parked?

The blessing continued when we entered the store. We were nearly the only customers and didn’t have to wait in a long line to check out.

It was like Walmart opened just for us

It was like a private opening

Even the clerks were in a good mood. A checker watched as I took Stephen’s picture and asked if this was our first trip to Walmart. When we told her why we were capturing the moment, she laughed. We made her day, too!

And to think it all started with an innocent picture of Jesus in my sink.

I must confess that God’s appearance wasn’t a miracle. Stephen did it. I know this because Jesus looked like he was giving me the finger. I don’t think he does that.

Nevertheless, we did experience a miracle that day. Just look where we parked!

May the farce be with you!

Your IFF,


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