If you want to start thinking differently, you need to start surrounding yourself with people who act differently.

If you want to get outside the box that is limiting your ability to be amazing then you need to throw away the the excuses you’re holding onto right now.

It’s easy to say you want to be better. That you want to fix your problems. That you deserve more from your life than what you’re getting right now.

But to actually get change, you have to begin to change.

Before you start getting better results you have to start doing the hard things that you have been avoiding doing up to now.

And you have to keep doing those hard things even when it seems like they aren’t working. Even when it seems like those hard things are doing more to beat you down then to build you up.

The reason you’re going to fail is because you’ll stop doing what’s hard because you don’t think it isn’t working fast enough.

You want results quicker than your work is going to yield.

You’re in trouble because of years of bad behavior and want all of that to go away simply because you have invested a day or two in doing the right thing.

Fixing problems takes time. Doing something amazing takes time.

The bigger your problem or the more the brilliance you expect, the more time you’re going to have to invest. And the more radical you’re going to have to be in living differently than you are right now.

Think about that carefully for a minute.

You might need to find a new circle of friends who can help you in areas where you are weak right now.

You might need to surround yourself with people who talk differently. People who who push themselves harder than you’ve ever experienced before. People who are smarter, have more money, more drive, ambition and obsession with greatness.

It all really comes down to one big decision you need to make: “Are you serious about getting to where you want to be or are you simply tired of the consequences of your bad behavior in the past.”

It’s time to get honest about how serious you are about changing.

If you want to change and are committed to doing whatever it takes, the rest of your life can be completely different from what it is right now.

There isn’t anything you can’t improve — as long as you’re willing to change and keep changing until you get to where you want to be.

Your results change only after you do.

Get moving. Get changing.

The post The Only Thing That Matters When You Want Better Results.  appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

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Other than that, all rights are reserved to you to change your life. If you are ready to be amazing, now is the time to get started. Onward…

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