Some days all the pieces just fall into place.

Making deals seems easy. Your conversations are inspired. The pieces of the puzzle fit into place without much of a fight.

Those are the days you want every day. Where you are seeing the rainbows and enjoying the sunset.

But those days don’t come easily.

They are the result of the rest of your days — where nothing seems easy, inspired, or the least bit enjoyable.

The days where you’re not really sure it’s worth it. The days where you’re working hard and not seeing any results. The days where smart people tell you what you’re doing isn’t going to be successful.

Those are the days you have to endure to get to the moments when everything feels right.

When things fall into place.

That’s important to remember when you can’t see rainbows and aren’t sure the sun will come up again.

Your moment of triumph will come as long as you’re willing to keep working.

Disregard the critics. Ignore the doubters. Shrug off the cynics and skeptics.

Grit your teeth and clench your fists and drag yourself forward.

Today is a day to work.

The post The Rest Of The Days. appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

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