You have heard the saying United We Stand Divided We Fall. The first attributed use in modern times is to Founding Father John Dickinson in his pre-Revolutionary War song “The Liberty Song“, first published in the Boston Gazette in July 1768.

The phrase was also included in the song Hey You by Pink Floyd on the first word was changed to together but the concept is very sound.

Most people know this to be a sound principle used throughout history but we forget about it when we are in the heat of a debate with another person about our political views or the social issue in our communities.

I found this wonderful statement in an article that focuses on Constitutional Studies   One of the greatest Founders, Thomas Jefferson, gave the formula for today’s citizens in the following words:

“We owe every other sacrifice to ourselves, to our federal brethren, and to the world at large to pursue with temper and perseverance the great experiment which shall prove that man is capable of living in [a] society governing itself by laws self-imposed, and securing to its members the enjoyment of life, liberty, property, and peace; and further, to show that even when the government of its choice shall manifest a tendency to degeneracy, we are not at once to despair, but that the will and the watchfulness of its sounder parts will reform its aberrations, recall it to original and legitimate principles, and restrain it within the rightful limits of self-government.”

Being united does not mean we have to agree on everything it means we have to be willing to work together to find a solution. One good example of this is from a training company name Fierce.

The Fierce Team Model uses the term “beach ball” to describe how perspectives occur within organizations. Each person, from every level within the organization’s hierarchy, has their own color stripe on the beach ball. Of course, it takes all the individual stripes coming together collectively to make up the beach ball. The beach ball analogy comes from the idea that no single person holds the whole truth, but rather a mere sliver or “stripe” of it. And every stripe counts.

Photo by John Hain on Pixabay

Now let’s take a look at how we as individuals can apply the principle of unity in our daily lives.

One way I have adopted this principle in a practical way in daily life is when I drive. Each time I get in my car to drive somewhere I say a simple prayer “God may each person get t their destination safely and let me be someone who makes that happen.” It is such a simple thing but it has completely changed the way I drive and my attitude towards the other drivers.

Another example we can apply the principle of unity is to focus on the best solution for everyone and be open to another person’s opinions and ideas. Many companies have adopted the idea of hiring managers and leaders who disagree with one another.

An article in Forbes Magazine called Why Working With People Who Disagree With You Is Good For Your Business For senior leaders and entrepreneurs, you know your company is only as good as the people in it. Though this concept is often understood, it can be easy for leaders to fall into hierarchical thinking. Furthermore, it’s likely and possible that ideas from other employees could be quickly shut down.

However, to foster a company that is well-rounded and positioned for success, disagreements are inevitable and even healthy. So what if the best thing you can do as a leader is to employ people or build a team of people who do not always agree with you – and you make this decision strategically, knowingly and upfront? The article goe son to list four benefits of adopting this policy.

  1. It will be challenging. Even though it can be disheartening to hear a board member, team member or even an employee disagree with your idea or strategy, listen to what they have to say. Accepting the challenge of thinking outside of yourself will ground you as a leader, will help you in the future, and will make you more apt to handle these challenges outside of your company. Understand that it will be difficult, but you’ll be better for it – so face it anyway.
  2. It will make you a critical thinker. Building a team with conflicting world views, or even differing views of your industry, will push you to think critically – even more so than you may have in the past. Differing viewpoints on industry issues or business strategies will give you a much better understanding of your company, industry, customers, and competitors. Being challenged before your idea or strategy hits the public eye will be better for your company, ensuring that you’ve thought through every angle honestly and critically.
  3. You will learn to respect views that are different from yours. Walking into a boardroom with people you know you won’t always see eye to eye with, but choosing them to be on your team anyway will give you a new level of respect for views that are different from yours. Strategies or ideas you once held dear may no longer stand up due to criticism or an objection from a team member. Do not discount this feedback. Instead, take it to heart and understand why an idea may not be supported by team members or coworkers.
  4. You will end up making better decisions. Ultimately, you will make better decisions as a leader by having diverse people, and views, on your team. When I founded my board of directors, I walked into the group knowing we wouldn’t always agree, and it was the best decision I made for my organization. Because of differing viewpoints, we were able to talk through various situations honestly and make decisions with a well-rounded understanding of the pros and cons, as well as the voice of our consumers.

Please take some of these examples and find practical ways that you can create unity in your daily life.

I have a belief that if each person knew how much value they bring to every interaction with another person they would freely share without shame of being ridiculed. Think of the effect we can have on each if we value their opinions and beliefs instead of trying to change their values and beliefs.

If our politicians could only adopt this concept our cities, states, and our country would stand together in Unity and benefit all people but instead, they are constantly pointing the finger at one another.

I am an aspiring life coach who has a desire to help people be the best they can be and love their life and when they are able to do that for themselves to share what they learned with their friends, family, and coworkers to empower them to do the same. do the same.

United We Stand Divided We Fall


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